Design Value/Goal: 
Cherish the movement and honour our heroes who fight for the pandemic.

Covid-19 is raging and the city is shut down. Players will act as the pioneer of the team, strive to overcome the pandemic and dispatch resources to the city. 
The team needs to distribute the six types of resource that they have collected. The remaining resources will be used to generate supply packages or vehicles to be delivered to the city where it needed. The skills of the team members will help you deliver resources more efficiently, but will eventually leave your team because of the need of escorting the supply. ​​​​​​​
一款类自走棋的版图策略游戏。新冠肆虐,全城隔离。玩家将扮演抗疫小队的队长,为全城调度补给资源,守望废土般寂静的街道,直至城市恢复秩序的那天。 小队需要对募集获得的六种随机资源点进行取舍和刷新,留存下来的资源将被用于生成补给包或是驾驶车辆移动。队员们的技能会帮助你更高效地调度资源,但在最终都会因为需要护送补给包而离开你的队伍。 接踵而至的需求,求而不得的资源,越战越少的队员,飞速流逝的时间,都是对抗疫工作的极大考验。 铭记历史,珍惜当下。民族复兴路远,致敬抗疫英雄。虽不能至,然心向往之。
Who we are? 
We are Lonely Heart Club. 
We have creative artists, Vera and Scarlett, from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and lonely programmers, Chuck (team leader), Alice, Hifumi, and Ricardo, from Tsinghua University. East 8th district (Shenzhen, China) and West 8th district (Vancouver, Canada) encounter here. The club will never close, you are always welcome.

Group profile poster designed by me, Vera (Xinjie) Dong
Visual style
The game is compatible with PC, Android, and iPhone.
The first interface shows "Start Game", "Start Tutorial", and "Volume Adjustment".
UI/UX by me, Vera, Program by Chuck (team leader)
This is the game interface, which consists of two areas: the pioneer team in 2D space, and the city in 3D space. 
UI/UX by me, Vera, 3D by Scarlett, program by Alice, Hifumi, and Ricardo
This shows a popover of member's skills.
UI/UX by me, Vera, program by Ricardo
Notable artefact
Poster demonstration 
Poster by me, Vera, and Alice
Check out how to play our game!
Reminder: the video is produced in Chinese.
Feel free to watch it and walk through the steps with us!
Video by Scarlett
The competition is currently in the progress of final selection.
Wish us good luck! 💕
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